Have all your client and supplier contacts in one place

Build trust with clients, suppliers, businesses and partners

Master file

Capture, edit, manage and keep one true record of your clients and suppliers records such as an address, contact person, contacts, bank details in one place

Update once, update accross

Bridge data silos and create unified client and supplier profiles to deliver trusted, relevant, and personalized experiences.

When you update the details once, it gets updated across the system

Optimize B2B value networks

Accelerate time to market, simplify identity lifecycle management, and protect against risks with Sapama's Customer Identity and Access Management solutions for B2B.

Speed onboarding and time-to-value with progressive profiling, self-service registration, single sign-on, and delegated administration

Reduce costs and IT complexity by managing digital identities, consent, authentication, and authorization from a single platform

Build trusted customer and partner relationships

Use customizable, preconfigured workflows to enable collaborative client onboarding.

Empower clients and suppliers to manage their own experiences through customizable, self-service portals

Strengthen customer trust in the era of GDPR, CCPA, and beyond

Meet global data privacy requirements and build partners' trust by offering transparency and personal data control.

Maintain verifiable proof of how, when, where, and why you collect and process partner data

Implement a holistic solution for managing customer information, preferences, and consent

Provide transparency into how you collect and use customers’, suppliers' and partners' personal data

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